Check that the replace-xhr-response snippet is working as expected. The test cases here manipulate the same xhr response, so the text manipulations are cumulative. The original xhr response can always be inspected in the "Network" tab in the developer tools.
Test that the search param is replaced with default empty string$#replace-xhr-response 'lazy'
Test that the search param is replaced with a custom string$#replace-xhr-response 'optimistic' 'wretched'
Test that the search param is replaced with a custom string if the needle is matched$#replace-xhr-response 'dog' 'forest after a rain' 'Puppycat'
Test the usage of regex in the search and needle parameter$#replace-xhr-response /\\d+\\s+years?\\s+old/ stoic /[CcKk]ardamon/
Test the replacement of multiple strings$#replace-xhr-response /[Ss]ticky?/ 'purr'