Check that the hide-if-matches-xpath3 snippet is working as expected.
Test that basic usage of the snippet works as expected against target whose class matches a regex.$#hide-if-matches-xpath3 '//*[name()="div" and matches(@class,"Spon(.+)sored")]'
Test that basic usage of the snippet works as expected against a target where the combined text content of the inner span elements matches with the given string.$#hide-if-matches-xpath3 '//div[div/span[string-join((normalize-space(), following-sibling::span[1]/normalize-space()), " ") = "Failed. Element is not hidden."]]'
Test that basic usage of the snippet works as expected against target whose attribute value can be casted into number.$#hide-if-matches-xpath3 '//*[name()="div" and xs:decimal(@data-num) > 2.5 ]'