Check that a filter using the $domain filter with wildcard is working as expected.
Test that an element hiding filter with domain wildcard using a "contains" selector hides its target.
abptestpages.*##div[style*="width: 203px;"]
Test that an element hiding filter using an ID selector and wildcard domain hides its target.
Test that an element hiding filter with wildacrd domain filter using an attribute selector hides its target.
Test that an element hiding emulation filter using a :-abp-properties() selector and wildcard domain hides its target.
abptestpages.*#?#div:-abp-properties(width: 230px)
Test that an element hiding emulation filter using a :-abp-has() selector and wildcard domain hides its target.
Test that element hiding emulation filter using several of the extended selectors and wildcard domain hides its target.
abptestpages.*#?#div:-abp-has(> div:-abp-properties(width: 231px))
Test that an element hiding emulation filter using wildcards still hides its target.
Test that an element hiding emulation filter using regular expressions and wildcard domain still hides its target.
abptestpages.*#?#div > div:-abp-contains(ehe-containsregex)